More than half a year of launching the project WHOLE – Wellbeing and Healthy Choices for Older Adults and their Carers, № 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002418 passed. Over time the project partners had to fulfill a number of tasks. During the second project meeting held in Galway, Ireland, hosted by ProActivate, were presented the results of their work. Based on the results of analyzes of aspects in social and health systems in the countries, participating in the project relating to seniors and caregivers, were clarified key points on which programs on healthy nutrition and physical activity will be based.
Representative of the Wingate Institute, Israel, prof. Yael Netz demonstrated interesting video on the topic of physical activity for elderly. Colleagues from Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich, Austria showed several variants of the design of the future web design and interior construction of the online platform for distance learning. Next steps in development of project activities were identified and a date for the next project meeting was fixed.