Association Generations is an association of experts working for many years in education and adult learning, with extensive experience in project management of EU programs like Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, other like Phare or some funded by the Social funds. The desire of the founders of the association is to follow the common European idea of Lifelong Learning.
Generations shares the principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence between different communities, the principles of civil society and gender mainstreaming, European policies and values, contributing to building a bridge between generations.
The main objectives of “Generations” association are:
- To develop, approve, and promote intergenerational transfer of national and spiritual values in education, science, culture, technology, etc.;
- To do researches, to develop and apply the experience, principles and policies of other countries, connected with the integration of people aged 55 +, reducing the generation gap and increasing the intergenerational dialogue;
- To work actively and assist the process of managing the differences through dialogue, partnership and consensus;
To achieve its objectives the association performs the following activities:
- Developing and realization of national and international projects, integration in social networks of target groups in order to study the latest advances in practices and policies for convergence and overcoming of the generation gap;
- Developing training programs in diversity management;
- Organization of trainings and internships for representatives of different generations, aimed at overcoming differences;
- Initiation and participation in symposia, congresses and conferences, seminars and workshops, roundtables, contact exchanges, participation in working groups and other forums, in pursuance of the basic objectives of the Association;
Developing strategies, programmes, analyses, surveys, prognoses and other events in order to build an effective dialogue between generations.